How Stress Effects Health and Wellness

Nowadays, Stress has become a normal part of life. Stress is one of the normal body reactions when changes occur. It can be also said as an adjustment reaction. The body can respond in all the states like mental, physical or emotional. To a surprise, not only negative situations even positive reactions can also lead to stress. Stress can affect our healthy wellbeing, even though if you do not realize it. One might think that illness is to blame for some headache or other issues which decrease your productivity of work. But the real culprit here is Stress.

How Stress Affects Health and Wellness

Stress that continuously affect without any relief can lead to distress, which exhibits a negative reaction to the health and wellness of any individual. This distress can affect body internal organs which leads to some common symptoms like a headache, high blood pressure, stomach ache, sexual dysfunction and some of the sleep disorders. Many of the emotional issues may also lead to distress. The emotional distress may lead to panic, anxiety, depression, and worry. Some of the researches also say that this distress may also lead to worsening these symptoms which in order causes lifetime illness like cancer, lung diseases, heart attacks, accidents and even lead to suicide.

Warning Signs of Stress

– General aches and pains
– Dizziness
– Clenched jaw, grinding teeth
– Indigestion
– Headaches
– Loss of appetite
– The tension in Muscles
– Racing heart
– Problems in Sleeping
– Cold and sweaty palms
– tiredness
– Trembling
– Stomach upset
– Weight gain or weight loss
– Sexual difficulties

Ways to Destress

One doesn’t need any of the costly treatments like spa or weekend retreats. Try these ways to destress which helps you to relieve stress disorders very easily.

1. Meditate:

It is one of the ancient technique to relieve several types of symptoms or diseases including stress. A few minutes of practising this ancient technique can help you to ease anxiety. Several researchers say that daily meditation can alter the brain’s neural pathway which in turn helps to withstand during stress.

2. Take a Deep Breath:

Just take 5 minutes of the break from your routine and take a deep breath by concentrating on your breathing. This technique counters the side effects of stress by calming the heart rate and blood pressure.

3. Be Attentive:

Take some time and just focus on your behaviour. Just notice how you feel when air touches your skin while walking and also focus on your feet while it hits the ground. While eating, enjoy each bit of your food by focusing on the taste. When you spend time in any of the moment and focus on the issues, you will definitely feel less tense and anxious.

4. Reach Out:

Social Network is one of the best tools for handling the stress meter. Talk to others, on social networking sites or on the phone with your loved buddies. Share some moments with them and have a good talk to keep the bondings strong.

5. Concentrate on your Body:

Try to scan your own body and try to figure it out how this stress affects your body each day and how it making changes to your body. Just sit up straight on the floor or on a chair and let your feet feel the ground, and just focus on your body from top to toe by noticing how your body feels. Try doing this for 1-2 minutes by observing the flow of breath to the each of your body parts.

6. Try Decompressing technique:

Try placing a warm wrap around the key muscles which are at your neck area and shoulders region for 10-15 mins. Close your eyes and have thought of some good moments to relax upper extremities, neck and shoulder region muscles. Later on, remove the wrap and by using a roller massage the tension of the muscles away.

7. Have a good Laugh:

A high and good stomach full of the laugh not only lightens your mental load but it also slows down the production of cortisol, which is the major stress hormone. A good laugh boosts chemicals in the brain, endorphin which elevates your mood. So, lighten up yourself by watching your favourite video or by reading books or by talking or chatting with people you love makes you feel good and smile.

8. Listen to good Music:

It is a well-known theory that listening to some soothing music according to your taste soothes mental health which in turn improves mood. Several researchers proved that listening to soothing music helps yourself internally by regulating blood pressure, pulse rate, many other anxiety disorders. Create some songs or music of your choice and allow your mind to focus on the soothing music, try to identify the used instruments or even the singers. Also, try singing very loud.

9. Exercising:

You can try all sort of exercises including yoga and walking can ease your anxiety disorders and depression by helping the brain to release some good chemicals. It helps your body to ease stress and other related ailments. You can go for a quick walk around your block by feeling fresh air or you can also do some stretch exercises.

10. Maintain some Good Memories:

Try gathering all the possible things which help you in destressing yourself. Maintain some good memories journal all at your bedside or carry along with you where ever you go. This helps you to bring a smile to your face.

Quick Tips To De-Stress

– Always have a positive attitude
– Accept things in your life which goes wrong
– Practice some relaxation techniques when you are free
– Exercise every day.
– Eat healthily
– Manage your time effectively
– Set your limits according to your efforts.
– Give time to yourself
– Get enough sleep
– Don’t choose bad habits
– Always discuss with your doctor when you feel low.

When you feel that you are feeling stressed, spend a few minutes by going through all the possibilities to remind yourself what really matters for you.

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